Forensic Science Services for the Defence & Prosecution
Forensics UK is a privately owned company that provides Forensic Science services to support the Criminal Justice system. Whether you are a Defence Solicitor or Barrister requiring forensic science expertise to help your client, a police service requiring support for your investigation, or an insurance company investigating a possible fraud, our forensic investigators can provide the forensic expertise you need.

Expert Witness service for Court
From Crime Scene to Court
Forensics UK forensic scientists are ex-Forensic Science Service (FSS) scientists who have extensive experience of major crime and volume crime casework; involving investigating crime scenes, laboratory examination of evidence, providing full CJA Statements and giving expert testimony in Magistrates, Crown and Coroner’s Courts. Forensics UK has expertise in a wide range of evidence types including Fire Investigation, Marks & Traces and DNA/Body Fluids – for the full range of evidence types see the “Services” tab above.